Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Wallace Essay

Although this is a commencement speech, I still think it shows off Wallace's literary prowess and penetrating insight. Please read the essay and post your response in the comments section below.


  1. Wallace's point of view of the world and how people who live in this frustrating world have different point of views exposes the cold hard truth. He took everyday life scenarios, such as the crowded supermarket and the heavily-congested traffic, to prove that life will not end up joyful as it seems. Then again in Wallace's theory of critical thinking, we all think differently of the world around us.

  2. Lane Wallace’s essay starts off with our ability to reason is legendary as our ability to manipulate. This means that yes we can reason and will use is as an advantage to manipulate in order to get ahead by all means. Wallace argues that the first factor in making a good discussion is whether a person sees the world in black in white or in more complex shades of grey. People that see the world in black and white tend to go all the way in their opinion. For people who see the world in grey are likely to be acceptable to new ideas without their basic values threatened.

  3. what I get from this essay is that Wallace has a different view of the world than most. He describes people and how they were to act, for example he describes two different men and how they think. he talks about those who see the world black and white speak more on what they feel.

  4. Wallace essay was definitely true. His perspective on the world is different from many of us, however, he brings up some true facts. I think he talks about living a more meaningful life than focusing on how to comfort others. We go on in life thinking of the what ifs and we're forced to live life based on a routine because that's how we survive the adult life.

  5. In Wallace's speech "This is Water” he states “important realities are often the ones that are hardest to see and talk about” which is to be true. People try to avoid what is most obvious to the, because they might feel they have failed at something. We also notice that he says, we go to school for people to teach us how to think. To think of things in a certain way and see things less arrogant. Wallace point out that the way we think and see thing is through the way we have been set to think since child hood, impacting our believes. Stating that the big capital truth is what we do with our life before death. Because the sacrifices we make for future generation is greater than the “selfcenterness” of our personal well-being. “It is unimaginably hard to do this, to stay conscious and alive in the adult world day in and day out “. Because in the adult world we all have a default setting in seeing thing as all other individuals. He mention that our education is a job of a life time. What we choose to be will always teach us something new every day.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Wallace's speech is about the truth of how the real world is going to be like for the graduating students. The fish example resembles the wisdom of older people having over the young ones. Wallace tells the students that college teaches them how to think on their own and it takes away their "default settings." His thought on
    education was that awareness is the most important skill that needs to be developed.

  8. I agree with Jorge he has a great point I will like to add that knowledge does not always come from being in school, I believe that knowledge comes form within oneself. You learn through your own life experiences. But the smart learn from others. Wallace motions that frustration leads to negative energy, for example, going to the grocery store and becoming irritated with the cashier because you had a rough day. Everyone has to learn that the real world is a struggle but we have to also think about our own happiness.So overall I agree with Wallace and I think he has some deep thoughts.

  9. In Wallace's essay it shows how he views the world. He says that by nature we make ourselves first and say that everyone else gets in the way and that makes us more angry. That is very true at least for me. We should be able to think on how we should help others instead of just ourselves.

  10. I can understand Wallace's point of view and i agree with him. He says life is stressful and tiring. Life goes on a routine and when we wake up the next day, we do the same thing over again. After going through our tough jobs we realize we have no time to go grocery shopping and finally when we squeeze the time there are things that irritates us. But just because we are having a bad day we, do not take it on others because they may have even worse times then we do. Wallace is saying that we have choices in life to choose how we think of the world. People either look at the world as either black and white or grey. We are set up in our mind with a default thinking but education helps makes up think differently. If we need learn to pay attention to things we can see things differently and things we see has meaning.

  11. I like the part in which Wallace talks about the religious man and the atheist. It is funny how the atheist prayed to god to save him and he was saved but he gives the credit to the Eskimos that were passing by. This teaches us that all people think differently and that not everyone will agree on the same thing. What I got from Wallace's essay is that we must learn by ourselves and by personal experiences and not by what people tell you but what you see is right.

  12. Life isn't full of happiness. No its not full of princesses and happy ever after. There's no fairy tales and definitely no super heroes. David Foster Wallace speaks about life as it is. Its a cruel hard struggle of a life. I like when he says that he isn't going to give us moral advice because at the end of the day we have to think for ourselves.

  13. wallace's view on life is like no others and I have never met anybody that has either. he really changed my view on how life really is and that it doesn't seem how it really is. some things he said I didn't understand but overall. some of his words actually encouraged me to look forward on life .

  14. I can relate to many points that Wallace mentions in his speech. Many times i don think about others, I look at people as if they're in my way. I only think of how other people might feel or what they go through when i'm in a good mood. I think that Wallace's words can be applied on many people. I believe that his speech describes everyone and how "adult life" really is. When teenagers think of growing up, they omit all the responsibilities or frustration it comes with and only think about the freedom they will have. Life is hard and will only get harder but you have to make the best out of it.

  15. I enjoyed reading wallace's essay very much. I loved the comparisons he made that came off as strange and ended up being extremely simple to understand. It was enjoyable to read because although he mentioned terrifying facts that came along with adult life he made it seem as if we had control to how our days go. I found it very relatable when he talked about the atheist and the believer because although the atheist admitted to praying and got saved he didn't believe it was a message from God. I related very much to this because as a christian Ive met many people who try to find the oddest excuses to why not believe in God. Another thing I found quite astonishing was the use of his vocabulary when a person uses foul language I tend to think they aren't such great people and he mentioned how it is important to be considerate of others rather than to be self centered which is a great quality we should all practice more often.

  16. Wallace's essay really described how I would be at the supermarket with a negative attitude towards the world and people. I agree that being educated should also help on learning how to think and have a different outlook on the world around us all.

  17. I believe That David Wallace main point is about life and how complicated it can be. We tend to always to think about our self and not what others have to say or think. Instead of complaining of how life is and the things we don’t have we should be thankful and learn how to appreciate life. Although life can always tend to have Its down falls and we tend to blame others or get our anger out on other like in the example he gave about him being the grocery store. In addition he has many deep thoughts that really make you want to change the way you see life he believes critical thinking is the key to life.
