Saturday, September 28, 2013

Henrietta Lacks Chapters 4-9

Please read the required chapters and post a response in the comments section. Most students received a strong grade on the last Henrietta Lacks post, so keep up the good work. Feel free to post on whatever strikes you as interesting, relevant, or even unclear. Have a nice weekend.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Henrietta Lacks Chapters 1-3

Please read the first three chapters of Henrietta Lacks and post a response to the material in the comments section below. Feel free to comment on any chapter or section of a chapter that you found particularly interesting, relatable, or relevant to the essay topic.

Monday, September 23, 2013

Issue Resolved

The My Writing Lab is correcting the lock out issue the class encountered. You should be able to take the diagnostic/path builder test at this time.

Saturday, September 21, 2013

My Writing Lab Plus Issue

I have heard from several students that there appears to be a glitch in the path builder program which needed to be completed by Monday. If this error happens to you, please know that an extension will be granted, and we will clear up the issue on Monday. I suggest that you use this weekend to read the first three chapters of Henrietta Lacks or you will have an extra heavy work load next week and could easily fall behind. Sorry for the confusion, but there is nothing that can be done until Monday.

Friday, September 20, 2013

Scott Sanders' "The Men We Carry in Our Minds"

Please read the Sanders' essay and write a commentary on the essay in the comments section below.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Joan Didion's "Georgia O'Keeffe"

Please post in the comments section after reading the Joan Didion essay. Attempt to incorporate the elements of good writing we discussed in class today. Thanks.

Thursday, September 5, 2013


Dear Students,

I am looking forward to spending the next ten weeks with all of you, but I understand that the feeling may not be mutual. That's okay. All I ask is that you diligently apply yourself to assigned work and remain open. I feel confident that we will all be more careful readers and competent writers by the end of the quarter, and, if we remain open, who knows where the readings and discussions will lead us. I expect great things.

Today's reminder: Do not miss class in the first two weeks or more than three times throughout the quarter. I will have no choice but to fail you  regardless of the work you make up for the days you were absent.

Before class on Wednesday: Please listen to the following short Youtube clip and respond in the comments section. Stephen Fry Kinetic Typography