Thursday, September 5, 2013


Dear Students,

I am looking forward to spending the next ten weeks with all of you, but I understand that the feeling may not be mutual. That's okay. All I ask is that you diligently apply yourself to assigned work and remain open. I feel confident that we will all be more careful readers and competent writers by the end of the quarter, and, if we remain open, who knows where the readings and discussions will lead us. I expect great things.

Today's reminder: Do not miss class in the first two weeks or more than three times throughout the quarter. I will have no choice but to fail you  regardless of the work you make up for the days you were absent.

Before class on Wednesday: Please listen to the following short Youtube clip and respond in the comments section. Stephen Fry Kinetic Typography


  1. yes I somewhat agree that words are quite boring to read and just like Stephen says "disliked than welcome". other than that i couldn't catch much more of the video. it's too much and too fast for me to take in every time i watched it again.

  2. The video is sort of confusing as Kevin Wong said, but I understood that language has to change on an everyday basis. A person has to adapt to every situation. An example of a change is when the video said that in an interview the form of dressing and language have to be presentable; and it could be informal when hanging out with friends.

  3. I agree with Daniel Gomez because us human beings have different way of talking to others, depending on who you are surrounded by or with. there really is no such thing as good or wrong language. we do need to learn to adapt with the present time and its language. this video really confused me because of his accent and the speed of which he was talking.

  4. I agree with Stephen Fry that language is something that people don't seem to enjoy as much as other activities. Language is something that is hard to keep up with because of its evolution that it goes year after year and it does not get the attention of people. The video was pretty good and gives very good details on how people have been seemed as crazy when they come up with a new way to use language, such as Shakespeare. Shakespeare is an example that all us humans have various ways of using language either it is by talking or writing.

  5. In my opinion Stephen Fry is completely right language isn't given nearly as much attention as other daily activities such as sports for example, Football the world is filled with football fanatics most of them take the time to learn each and every detail of the game and invest time watching each and every game of their favorite team or spend their time on fantasy football. In language however it is very rare for a person to spend so much time learning or even caring to extend their knowledge on a more enhanced and proper vocabulary. As Stephen Fry mentioned most people can enhance their vocabulary according to the situation or the people they are surrounded by however it is rare for a person to have interest or take the time to learn the extended difference words can make when used in a particular way or sentence.

  6. I agree with Stephen Fry due to the fact that he is with out a doubt correct when he states that people on this earth takes words for granted. Words were set in place to not only give us a higher vocabulary but to establish a foundation to how we convey our speech but also the way we become social and our communication skills. I liked the fact when Stephan said that h was not on the side of those arrogant think they know it all people but that he preferred to be with those people with less vocabulary skills but that are more approachable in communication.

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  8. I agree with Stephen Fry, he reaches out to people letting them know that people don't give much attention to language than what they're suppose to. When we are writing essays, paragraphs, journals, etc. we don't pay attention to putting the correct punctuations as long as we are writing words on our paper. Stephen stated that newspaper writers believe they can write and have great language but no one can be so perfect with their writing. I like the statement he made when saying that someone can dress good in suit and tie but if they don't have the right knowledge to speak a good language it doesn't really matter what your physical appearance is.

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  10. I found this video rather soothing because Stephen fry is more than correct. Everyone uses language in sorts of ways, however,we are sometimes judged by the way we actually speak. Stephen says "People seem to be able to find sensual and sensuous in almost anything but words these days", I totally agree because more than half of the world aren't bothered with language. Language plays a big part in everything you do.

  11. Stephen Fry's criticism on language describes how some ignorant intellectuals who annoyingly correct people via online or outside the virtual world claim they possess bookish qualities, when in reality, the youth refer to them as "grammar nazis". Fry's aggressive, negative response to the audience shows the literary shift on how people utilize their speech.

  12. I agree with Stephen Fry, people are in different classes when it comes to words. Some people use words in an ungrammatical way, while others attempt to use them to perfection. However this doesn't mean others should look down on those who use words in an ungrammatical way, those who criticize others look for errors in other peoples work. All the same I, Fry, and a lot others believe that words should be used for the joy. Just like the clothes reference, there’s a place in time when you should dress appropriately anyhow, there isn't a right or wrong way to wear clothes. So in all I believe people should appreciate other people’s words instead of criticize them.

  13. I agree with Stephen Fry when he says that people become disinterested when it comes to language. They are more interested in sports and music. In my opinion this is very true and sad because it is through language that we communicate with each other.

  14. Concurring with the idea that Stephen fry implies that there is no right or wrong language. Society tends to correct people in there grammatical errors versus the content and ideas that they have to present. People should be give the opportunity to express themselves in which they believe will get their point across. Words are so powerful powerful that some people have made it seem that they are only powerful when expressed a certain way which in my opinion is wrong. We should have the ability to express what we believe and are truly passionate about.

  15. I personally love the way thisguy speaks and the feirceness that his is comfortable with putting behind his words to really express his opinions. Hooowever i often found myself getting lost in the words scolling across the screen so I reallz had to force myself to pay attention. Ireally liked the way he tranasitioned into his next pionts but still left it clear for the listener; If you pay attention you can hear where one paragragh stops and the next one begins.

  16. I agree with Stephen Fry, he explains that people" dress their language up" . He means that people often tend to use more of an educated language when they have to. Fry is correct because to society the way a person speaks, is how they are defined.

  17. After watching this video I had to post it on one of my social media accounts. I agree with Stephen Fry, It's almost like he is saying that people don't care for the use of correct language. Yes, we all speak the same language but there are a lot of lets say "grammar errors." I also Agree when Fry explains how people will dress up there language for an interview. I personally feel like that shouldn't be the only time you use "Correct Language," It should be used all the time.

  18. Victor Santiago
    From what I understood, I agree with Fry when he said that people don't use the correct language when they speak or write. also when he said that some people dont care because they are more concerned with something else. some of his point were confusing but i think the point he was trying to make was language is not as important as before.

  19. Stephan Fry is completely right on the fact that people undermine our language. Most people devote their time to the internet, hanging out with friends, or watching television. You don't see enough people pick up a book and learning instead of going to see a new movie. People don't take the time to insert a punctuation when it's needed or check for spelling errors. Throughout the video I kept thinking how people text one another or how more people pick up a magazine with their favorite celebrity on it instead of picking up a book and reading. Let's face it, many people are too lazy to put their brain to work. I honestly agree with Stephan Fry; language should always be utilized in the correct form not only in certain occasions.

  20. I found Stephen Fry interesting when he began talking about how there isn't right or wrong language. Our society seems to judge on about everything and especially the way we speak to each other and in general, but there isn't a right or wrong language. However there is an informal and formal language depending on the circumstances. It would be informal to speak the same way we do with our friends, at work. It was enjoyable to hear him talk so passionately about how those who glory themselves to be irritated by nouns becoming verbs are ridiculous.

  21. I loved the video; Stephen Fry’s voice was calm and interesting; I love how he is not scared and comfortable to speak his opinion. I agree with Haley Hulsey I also go lost in the words scrolling across the screen and had to force myself to pay attention. I agree with Stephen Fry when he says that people do not know how to or do not use the proper way to write, but he I also agree that people like myself dress up language and we think its right, because I think we were kind of taught to do that threw out the years of school. I liked how he said there is not a “right or wrong language,” it made me feel like he was not judging me, because I do not know everything correct about English, but that we do have to learn not to be informal when you have to be formal and to not dress up our language.

  22. Carlos Bejarano
    After watching this video, I came to the conclusion that Stephen Fry has a lot to say about society now a days. Many times we are not aware what is going on on the world around us because we are more interested what is going on in the social media life. I agree with him on the part that he mention that people do not use their time efficiently to write productive writing; instead they choose to write stuff that it is not important, nor helpful. I have to admit that the video what a little bit confusing, but in over all I understood that he was trying to tell how people see language now a days.

  23. This video really let's Stephen Fry speak his mind about language in our society today. I disagree with Fry, to the extent that there is place and time to use the "right/wrong" kind of language. We would not speak to our family members as we do with our friends or co-workers. The usage of language is interesting and beautiful when we interact and connect with it, but sadly society doesn't appreciate language anymore.
